
My approach to co-parenting counselling starts with the parents. I believe children do best when parents (together or not) can communicate effectively, provide safety & security and an environment where they can develop and grow into who they are meant to be. I believe parents need to be stronger, wiser, kinder and their children’s go-to person(s). This framework means I start with the parents and only invite children in if and when it is developmentally appropriate and in the child’s best interest.

This might be for you, if…

  • you want to improve your parenting with your co-parent (you can be together or not) to find more peace and harmony in your family.
  • your children are being negatively impacted due to conflict with your co-parent (the more conflict, the more your children are being negatively impacted)
  • you want to have better communication and a more positive relationship with your co-parent
  • you want a neutral third party to facilitate a conversation between you and your co-parent
  • you want to reduce your involvement with the adversarial and costly court system
  • you think your child needs counselling to fix their problems, I believe parents are children’s best answer and I can help you to parent differently
  • you are a step-parent and you and your partner need some tools and strategies to work together to parent (step-parenting is very different than parenting your own children, come in and learn how)

What you can gain from Co-Parenting Counselling:

  • a parenting framework to reduce conflict and increase everyone’s well-being
  • happier children who feel safe & secure, which reduces behaviours
  • knowledge, insight & strategies that support you in your parenting journey
  • more fulfilling family life
  • more acceptance and self-compassion for yourself and others in your life

 What Co-Parenting Counselling is not:

  • it is not mediation, although you can work on parenting agreements
  • it is not legally binding, although your lawyer(s) or a judge may recommend it to improve your co-parenting relationship
  • it is not about parenting capacity or decisions about custody
  • it is not about evidence for court


Untethered Heart Counselling office

Foundational Videos

The following videos are strongly recommended to help you prepare  and engage with counselling and may also save you some money.

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